
We want to be sure that you are happy with the final replicated CDs, DVDs or Blu ray discs, including their packaging, so we always send you proofs of your artwork. It is important that you review the proofs quickly, since delays in reviewing them will slip the delivery date proportionally. (All our timing estimates are based upon the assumption that you approve proofs the same day you receive them).

Please note that while we try very hard to accurately reproduce the colors on your job, colors may vary slightly due to the nature of DVD face inks and offset printing. If you include color proofs with your masters that you are happy with, we will use these to closely match your final prints.

To approve the proof, please reply to the email in which it was originally sent. If it is a hard copy or check disc, please send an email to . For our records, and to avoid any confusion, we must receive all approvals or rejections of proofs in writing.

PDF Proofs

Our standard proofing process emails you PDF (Adobe Acrobat) electronic proofs at no additional charge. PDF proofs are useful for verifying that all graphics are included, fonts look right, nothing has been cut off around the edges and everything lines up. You will receive a PDF proof of the cover, face, and inserts (if included in your job).

To view the PDF proofs, simply open them with Adobe Acrobat. Most computers have this software installed, or you can download a free copy from Adobe's site at

Please note that electronic proofs are not a guarantee of color accuracy. If you need a higher degree of color control, we recommend you order a hard copy proof (below).

Hard Copy Proofs

If you need to double check color accuracy on the CD, DVD or Blu ray cover and/or inserts, we can generate a hard-copy proof for your review, which is physically shipped to you. There is an additional cost for this (see our pricing page) and doing so adds a few days to the delivery date of the completed job. Please let us know you want a hard copy proof when you are placing your replication order with us.

We need the proof back to use as a reference during the press run. You must FedEx it back to the address supplied with it as soon as you have approved it. Any delay in returning the proof will delay your job.

Check Discs

A check disc is a copy of the CD, DVD or Blu ray master itself, pressed from the actual stamper, and is used to verify that the discs will all play properly. A check disc is functionally identical to the final CD, DVD or Blu ray disc, but does not have the final printing on the face. (The PDF of the face is used to verify the artwork for the face.)

Although a check disc is not required for most CD or DVD-5 projects started from a CD-R or DVD-R master, we strongly recommend a check disc for all DVD-9, BD25 & BD50 orders, where the master will be a hard drive, CMF filesets, DLT or dual-layer DVD-R.

Adding a check disc to your order generally adds a few days to the total turnaround time on your job and adds costs - just the quote for more details.

Remastering Fees

If a checkdisc is shipped to you and it has a problem, which requires you to send in another master, there is a remastering fee we must charge you, as we'll have to scrap the stamper and create a new one from your new master. Obviously if we have introduced an error between your master and the checkdisc (has never happened at PacificDisc, but is technically possible), we will fix the problem, produce a new stamper and checkdisc at no charge to you.